
Discord bot website
Discord bot website

discord bot website

Some settings are set automatically, such as locale. gsettings show - shows GiveawayBot's settings on the server. Hiya Im Erisly, your friendly neighbourhood Goddess I use my powers and talents to play as a Discord Bot, where I provide a huge variety of fun. You can also right-click (or long-press on mobile) on an ended giveaway and select Apps > Reroll Giveaway to reroll. greroll - picks a new winner from the specified giveaway. glist - lists all the currently-running giveaways on the server gdelete - deletes the specified giveaway without picking winners. Power Up Your Discord Boost your server's gaming experience through personalized quests, loot systems, profiles, and much more with Mushroom. gend - ends the specified currently-running giveaway and picks the appropriate number of winners immediately. To use minutes/hours/days instead of seconds, simply include an "m", "h", or "d" in the time ~ /gstart 3m. gstart - starts a giveaway with the provided number of seconds.įor example, /gstart 30s 2 Steam Code would start a 30-second giveaway for a Steam Code with 2 winners! gcreate - creates a giveaway (interactive setup) ginvite - shows a link to add the bot to your server

discord bot website

gabout - shows information about the bot

Discord bot website